вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.


Create a ‘time capsule’, not to be opened before the year 2250, to help future generations understand life at the beginning of the 21st century. Follow the guidelines below:
1. Aim to include about 7 items which best represent the most typical aspects of modern life. Think about which of these things you want to represent/include, and the main ideas that you want to get across:
- culture and entertainment
- food and drink
- fashion/design
- politics and important events
- technology and media
- everyday objects that may no longer exist
- interesting documents, etc.
2. Make a List of your chosen items. Supply each item with a short description and a picture/photograph. In the descriptions, be sure to mention why you have chosen those objects.
3. Write a ‘Message to Young People of the Year 2250’ to go with your 7 objects into the time capsule.
4. Send your List of 7 Objects and your Written Message to the following e-mail address:


The deadline for the projects is
April 20, 2009.

Authors of the best projects will be awarded Longman dictionaries, textbooks and readers with CD-ROM, video programs, etc.

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