понедельник, 31 августа 2009 г.

среда, 29 апреля 2009 г.
вопросы по программе "Переводчик" (1 курс)
Cutting Edge
Useful material (pages)
Interview each other about your lifestyle.
12 (Useful language), 139(Module 1), 145 (Module 1)
Discuss with your partner important “first” in your life.
20(Useful language),159 (Recording 7), your composition in winter
Discuss with your partner the best way to learn a foreign language.
25(“What’s the secret of successful language learning?”), 28(Useful language)
Discuss with your partner special days in your families.
36 (Useful language), 160 (Recording 5, 7)
Interview each other about your favourite actors
42 (1, 3), 44(Useful language)
Imagine you have a week’s holiday. Discuss with your partner which city/ country you’d like to go to.
49 (2), 52(Useful language)
Discuss with your partner your ambitions and plans for the future.
56 (box), 62(Useful language)
Discuss with your partner the country of your dream. What is special about it?
49 (2), 52, 69(Useful language)
Discuss with your partner the changing face of shopping.
73(“The changing face of shopping”), 74(1,2)
What would you like to change in your workplace (redecoration, better study facilities, the outside area)?
78(Useful language), 79
Discuss with your partner hobbies. How can an interest become an obsession.
94(Useful language)
Do you prefer designer products or do you think it’s a waste of money? Discuss with your partner pros and cons of designer goods.
99,165 (Recording1)
среда, 22 апреля 2009 г.
Билеты 1 курс
1 курс
1. Discuss with your partner your achievements and plans for the future.
2. Some people say that how long you live depends on your lifestyle, while others say it depends on your genes. What’s your opinion?
3. Find out what kind of person your partner is (“couch potato”, “party animal”, “culture vulture”) and discuss your leisure activities and lifestyle.
4. Discuss with your partner tourism in our country, its positive and negative effects. What do you think is the future of tourism in Russia?
5. You have listened to the programme “Desert Island Discs”. Discuss with your partner what three pieces of music each of you would take on a desert island, share what effect they have on you.
6. Imagine you have a week’s holiday. Discuss with your partner which city/ country you’d like to go to.
7. Discuss with your partner things that make you stressed. How do you feel when you are stressed? What things do you do to relax?
8. Find out if your partner prefers eating at home or eating out. Recommend each other the best place to eat out or the place they’d better not visit.
9. Discuss with your partner what you should do to be successful in a job interview.
10. Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of making a lot of money in your teens.
11. Are zoos a good thing? Are you in favour of zoos or against zoos? Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of zoos.
12. Discuss with your partner your best holidays or last travelling.
вторник, 21 апреля 2009 г.
Some people say that how long you live depends on your lifestyle, while others say it depends on your genes. What’s your opinion?
Discuss with your partner tourism in our country, its positive and negative effects.
What do you think is the future of tourism in Russia?
Imagine you have a week’s holiday. Discuss with your partner which city/country you’d like to go to.
If you fall ill, will you turn to a traditional doctor or use a non-traditional treatment? Discuss.
Discuss with your partner things that make you stressed. How do you feel when you are stressed? What things do you do to relax?
Discuss with your partner – if you want to get a boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do: go to a speed-dating event, use the internet or do something else? Why do young couples often split up?
Discuss with your partner what you should do to be successful in a job interview.
Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of making a lot of money in your teens.
вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.
Create a ‘time capsule’, not to be opened before the year 2250, to help future generations understand life at the beginning of the 21st century. Follow the guidelines below:
1. Aim to include about 7 items which best represent the most typical aspects of modern life. Think about which of these things you want to represent/include, and the main ideas that you want to get across:
- culture and entertainment
- food and drink
- fashion/design
- politics and important events
- technology and media
- everyday objects that may no longer exist
- interesting documents, etc.
2. Make a List of your chosen items. Supply each item with a short description and a picture/photograph. In the descriptions, be sure to mention why you have chosen those objects.
3. Write a ‘Message to Young People of the Year 2250’ to go with your 7 objects into the time capsule.
4. Send your List of 7 Objects and your Written Message to the following e-mail address:
The deadline for the projects is
April 20, 2009.
Authors of the best projects will be awarded Longman dictionaries, textbooks and readers with CD-ROM, video programs, etc.
Для участия в конкурсе Вам необходимо создать «капсулу времени», которая будет вскрыта в 2250 году. Ваша «капсула» должна содержать письмо-послание молодым людям будущих поколений и несколько предметов, способных дать им представление о том, как была устроена наша с вами жизнь в начале 21го века.
Следуйте инструкции по созданию вашей «капсулы»:
1. Выберите 7 предметов, которые, по вашему мнению, наиболее ярко характеризуют нашу современную жизнь. Представьте себе, ЧТО эти предметы могли бы рассказать последующим поколениям о нас с вами:
- о нашей культуре и развлечениях;
- о наиболее популярной еде и продуктах;
- о современной моде и любимой одежде;
- о сегодняшней политике и важных событиях;
- о технологиях и информационных средствах;
- о предметах повседневного обихода, которые могут исчезнуть
к 2250 г. и т.д.
2. Составьте список выбранных Вами предметов. Не забудьте добавить краткое описание каждого предмета на английском языке, а также их изображение (рисунок, фото, пр.). Убедитесь, что ваши описания предметов обосновывают ваш выбор.
3. Составьте сопроводительное письмо «Message to Young People of the Year 2250» (на английском языке) для помещения в капсулу вместе с семью отобранными вами предметами.
4. Отправьте свой список и сопроводительное письмо на электронный адрес:
Срок подачи проектов –
до 20 апреля 2009!
Авторы лучших проектов получат призы от британского издательства Лонгман: словари, книги для чтения с аудио- и CD-ROM, видео программы и т.д.